
When temperature and relative humidity values need to be recorded every few minutes, a reliable and robust solution is Synchro Comp’s® TERMOGRAFTM device.

The TERMOGRAF data logger records, saves and prints using the built in printer a number of maximum 4000 temperature or temperature and humidity recordings, depending on model, taken at preset time intervals. 

The data in the memory can also be saved on an USB flash drive for being subsequently viewed on a personal computer. 

The data logger triggers an alarm (acoustic – BUZZER, and visual – LED) every time the temperature or the relative humidity exceeds a predefined lower or upper value. The possibility of triggering the alarm immediately when this happens or after a period during which the measured value exceeded the limit is provided. The stored temperature or temperature and humidity values can be printed using the thermal printer when the user decides this.

Depending on the attached sensors, temperatures between -55°C and +125°C or between -40°C and +80°C and relative humidity values from 0% to 100% can be monitored, depending on the attached probe. There is a wide range of probe combinations available: 1xT, 2xT, 4xT, 1xT+RH, 2xT+RH, 4xT+RH (without USB).

The recorded values are saved in an EPROM and can be retrieved by printing them on 58 mm wide thermal paper by using the compact thermal printer attached to the device or by copying them on an USB flash drive using an USB host controller. The real-time clock, current measured values, the active alarms and the number of recordings in memory are displayed continuously on the attached LCD.

The device provides low power consumption, small dimensions, a versatile interface with the user employing a reduced number of buttons, and an intuitive menu with a deep tree for options. Four buttons can be used for navigation through simple and comprehensive menus. 

Among others, these allow the setting of limit values for triggering alarms in case abnormal values are recorded. 

This way, an acoustic, a visual or an external alarm (through a relay) can be started whenever the temperature or humidity exceeds preset lower or upper limits for a certain time interval specified by the user. 

The device incorporates an LCD display showing current time, measured values and active alarms on 16 alphanumeric characters on two rows. 

By pressing a button, the main menu, which allows setting the current time and viewing the information related to the device, can be accessed.

The same button used for entering the main menu is used for entering a secured menu, but this time it should be pressed for one second. After entering the correct password, the user is able to enter information related to the installation location of the device, to set the period between measurements, limits for triggering alarms and calibration values. 



  • - Food Industry 
  • - Pharmaceutical Industry 
  • - Greenhouses - Museums 
  • - Libraries 
  • - Document Archives 
  • - Office Spaces 




  • - Records up to 4000 temperature or temperature and relative humidity values 
  • - Prints the recordings in the memory on thermal paper 
  • - Saves recordings on USB Flash Drive 
  • - Triggers alarms when limit values are exceeded 
  • - Allows measurement period setting

All the values entered by the user are saved also in the EEPROM and they are not lost in case the power is interrupted. 

The printing action is initiated by pressing another button on the interface. The application first checks if a printer is attached correctly to the device and if it is supplied with paper, and only after positive responses starts to print the values in the EEPROM. 

In case an USB flash drive is connected to the USB host, then all the recording in the memory are transferred to a new folder on the removable media. The use of a high performance core microcontroller lead to an intelligent and robust data logger, offering advantages that make it a success on the market.

The robust and simple design of the TERMOGRAF device makes it the best solution in a wide range of environmental and ambient monitoring applications. One of them can be found in the field of cold chain monitoring systems. Places required to provide a stable climate, which has to be continuously monitored, such as greenhouses, libraries, museums or document archives can also employ this type of embedded system.