These consist of the period between measurements, which can be set to have a value of up to 60 minutes, the information for connecting to wireless LANs, namely the channel, the SSID and the used password, the gateway and the sub-net mask, the server port, the IP, the node IP and the CO2 sensor’s data, if this is present in the design.
The latter is composed of the value for the digital filter, the altitude value and the number of days for auto-calibration using fresh air, if this feature is activated.
The Wisensors are compact battery powered systems that can monitor the temperature, relative humidity, the carbon dioxide level and the absolute pressure, and that send the measurement data using the existent wireless infrastructure based on the IEEE 802.11b/g standards, eliminating the use of wires. These features, coupled with the low power consumption of the devices, make the WiSensors family of sensors the best solution in environmental and ambient monitoring applications.